Integrating Climate Change Management into Ludwigsburg District Structures and Processes
Ludwigsburg District Administration – Julia Neuhäuser

As part of the organisational analysis, a new specialist unit was established within the district administration, with climate change management (CCM) being integrated into the work performed by the CCM team. Projects such as implementing the decisions on climate-neutral administration and the pending update of the climate change strategy call for intensive coordination and approval efforts within the administration on the part of the young CCM team.
Analysis of the current status of existing structures and processes. Clarify the interrelationships between the strategic tasks for the team members. Strategies to communicate these interrelationships within the administration. Identification and management of interfaces on the basis of a concrete climate action project. Definition of additional implementation steps and necessary communication paths.

Symposium “Rules of the Game” for Sustainable Urban Development
City of Wiesbaden – Evi Steinmetz

The symposium served as an internal exchange forum between politics and administration. It was intended to prepare for the development of “Rules of the Game” for sustainable urban development in the areas of “Living City”, “Climate-Optimised Urban Green”, “Sensitive Water Management”, “Renewable Energy + Gray Energy” and “New Mobility”. As part of the planning for a model neighbourhood, corresponding aspects have already been exemplarily integrated. These should have general validity in future city development projects of the city.
Preparation of the sub-workshop in the area of renewable energy, climate protection and grey energy in cooperation with the City of Wiesbaden. Moderation of the topic table with municipal stakeholders and politicians Development of basic requirements and presentation of the results.

Training programme and documents on energy management for responsible energy managers and caretakers in municipalities in Kazakhstan – in cooperation with Energie- und Umweltzentrum Allgäu (eza!)
German Energy Agency (dena) – Sabine Krutzsch

As part of the project “KAZ-Global Central Asia: Energy Efficient Communities”, energy and climate protection management is to be introduced at the municipal and regional level.
Preparation and implementation of a two-day on-line training, using different interactive techniques to actively involve participants. Topics of the trainings were: Basic aspects of municipal energy management, data collection inlcuding energy monitoring and assessment of buildings for technical improvement.

Energy-Law in Germany at European, Federal, and Municipal Level and its Impacts on Low-Carbon Urban Development – Sino-German Urbanisation Partnership Project (SGUP)
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) – Marcus Delfs

How can energy and planning law requirements at the European and national level be used for municipal climate protection. What further municipal scope for action is there, from the building level to the citywide level?
Development and revision of a summary publication on energy and planning law in Europe/Germany and its implementation to promote climate protection in the municipal sector. Presentation of the legal aspects and impacts on municipal (climate protection) planning. Integration of current developments at EU and national level (Green Deal, heat planning) and presentation of municipal examples.

Guideline: Developing Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) – Sino-German Urbanisation Partnership Project (SGUP) – in cooperation with ifeu-insitute, Heidelberg and IGDP, Beijing
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) – Philipp Geres

Decision-makers on the Chinese are to be provided with a guideline for the implementation of SECAPs in order to be able to structure and guide the process of such a integrating planning and strategy task.
Development of a step-by-step guide for action, based on German experience in exchange with a Chinese think tank, in order to ensure transferability to mu-nicipal structures in China, including through on-site discussions and interviews with stakeholders.

Municipal Climate Action Management –
badenova AG, Regional Energy Supplier – Manuel Baur

Development of climate action and neighbourhood plans for municipalities and rural districts (LK Tuttlingen)
Developing guiding principles, strategic preparation of neighbourhood plans (analysis of current situation, preparatory talks and workshops with stakeholders)

Munich 2050 – Climate Change Target and Strategy – In Cooperation with the Öko-Institute, Freiburg
State Capital Munich – Dr. Sylvia Franzl

Further development of Munich’s climate action strategy with involvement of city administration players: Analysis of existing climate action policy, review and improvement of available data, evaluation of activities in respect of the targets set, scenario development and proposals for action
Interviews with key stakeholders concerning Munich’s climate action policy in general and also its future role (opportunities/challenges), preparation, design and moderation of workshops with key players, develop measures for implementation in energy and building planning, establish an energy agency

Develop a Neighbourhood Plan for Freiburg’s Twin City – Lviv in Ukraine
City of Freiburg im Breisgau – Günter Burger

The mayors of Freiburg and Lviv have agreed to cooperate closely on their environmental and climate action plans. As part of a pilot project, energy efficiency and energy education measures are to be introduced in a district of Lviv.
Working with those responsible in Lviv to identify a pilot district, developing potential measures in various sectors (energy optimisation, consultation and school projects), and preparing and coordinating a joint funding application. From 2018, providing consulting services in connection with project management and implementation in Lviv.

Municipal Climate Action Coaching – In Cooperation with the Climate Alliance, the German Federal Environmental Foundation and Ifeu Institut, Heidelberg
Climate Alliance, Dag Schulze

2009 – 2013
The first step can often be the most difficult to take. How can local climate action be designed and developed in inexperienced municipalities, especially where capacities and funding are limited or scarce? The project’s aim was to develop a policy instrument to enable a pragmatic climate action approach – from initial implementation to full-blown management of the action plan.
Developing ideas and designing the basic coaching programme against the backdrop of available experience (workshop design and development of materials), preparation and moderation of climate action workshops with 10 selected pilot municipalities and their respective stakeholders.

Energy-efficient Urban Redevelopment – Energy Strategy for Existing Urban Districts –
City of Frankfurt, Energy Department – Wiebke Fiebig

The City of Frankfurt wants to implement a climate action strategy at district level. As part of a pilot project in Frankfurt-Westhausen – a typical housing devel-opment built at the start of the 20th Century – an energy-efficient district plan is to be implemented as a blueprint for replication in other parts of Frankfurt.
Providing support in preparing a project proposal: Content structure, strategy for involvement of municipal actors, housing development companies and residents.

Further projects

  • 2016: Energy-efficient urban redevelopment in the town of Kirchzarten – citizens’ workshop and preparing funding application
  • German-Japanese-American Twin Cities Project – Federal Environmental Agency (2008/2009): knowledge transfer of best practice examples (technical, to and from Japan and America
  • Local Renewables – Iclei (2007-2008): German-Indian-Brazilian city project to improve the use of local renewable sources, transfer of best practice solutions, Freiburg as a role model