Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Implementation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive in Ukraine – FEER
Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) – Volodymyr Peregudow

2021 – 2022
The project supports different Ukrainian municipalities in the implementation of municipal climate change management, for example municipal energy management and municipal heat planning but also in the field of sustainable energy climate action plans (SECAP), the European Energy Award (EEA) and demonstration projects.
Supporting the project team of GIZ in project design and implementation. Supporting the participating municipalities in the project management of the various plans and management systems. Development of a guideline for the management of the different tasks incorporating the complexity of the interacting thematic fields, avoiding overburdening individuals (especially the energy managers).

Energy efficiency in municipalities in Ukraine – in cooperation with integration Umwelt&Energie, Energie- & Umweltzentrum Allgäu and
Ukainian experts
Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) – Volodymyr Peregudow

2018 – 2020
Energy efficiency in the country’s building stock plays a key role in Ukraine. Rising energy prices and high levels of energy use make improvements indispensable in private and public buildings. The introduction of municipal energy management systems in more than 80 Ukrainian municipalities is designed to optimise public buildings, savings in public budget and serve as best practice for replication in privately-owned building stock.
Project implementation coordination and topic-related training supervision. Aligning training to the needs of the project municipalities in cooperation with the national trainers and commissioning bodies. Reporting and evaluation of project results. Since 2020 development and design of trainings in form of interactive Web-Seminars involving decision takers (Mayors). On-site analysis of the needs of municipalities with the respective mayors and project managers, design of basic workshops, evaluation of the Ukrainian market for energy services and development of a funding programme; advising giz on the further development of the project.

China Integrated Waste Management (IWM) for Nationally Approved Mitigation Actions (NAMA)
Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) – Mingyu Qian

The transformation of the urban waste collection and disposal sector towards a low-carbon path with reduced carbon emissions and co-generation of energy is a crucial task within China’s environmental strategy. Through piloting the Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) of IWM systems in three demonstration municipalities, capacity building and regulatory policies will be strengthened. Further repli-cation in other municipalities can drive the change in this sector.
Participation in the project´s Kick-off Conference; Presentation of European best practice and moderation of a workshop with municipal examples from Chi-na; first discussion with Chinese experts for the development of adapted Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for future measurement and monitoring of the NAMA project; supervision of the selection application document.

Establishing Energy Agencies in Ukraine
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) – Robert Künne

Experience gained in Europe shows that the involvement of local and regional energy agencies can significantly improve energy supply in various sectors (e.g. buildings and heating). Most of all, these agencies’ neutral advisory function leads to great acceptance among cooperation partners and local residents alike.
Project development and management: Support in establishing an energy agency in Odessa, management of the entire process to develop the sustainable energy action plan, support in implementing and developing a business plan, development of a final brochure and initiation of international projects and cooperation partnerships.
Link and brochure

Integrated Urban Development in Ukraine
Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz)/Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft – Matthias Brandt

Climate action as a sub-component or plan plays a key role in integrated urban development. In the four Ukrainian project cities, no experience has been gained to date with regard to planning and communication policies for use in climate action and energy supply in building planning and neighbourhood development.
Integration of the existing sub-plan on climate and energy into the Integrated City Development Plan, analysis of the relevant municipal processes and structures, and the various sub-plans for completeness and cooperative further development with the project managers, inclusion in regular municipal budget planning. Presentation and training on integrating energy-related topics into urban development planning and the development of new development areas in the project municipalities.

German-Chinese Cooperation on Renewable Energy
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) /Nationale Energy Agency China (NEA) – Sandra Retzer, Paul Recknagel

2015, 2017, 2018
Climate action plans and sub-plans are still the exception in Chinese municipalities. The project thus follows the strategy of using German experience with energy and climate action plans in municipalities in the form of three pilot projects. Design and experience in developing these pilot plans is to be replicated and dissemi-nated over time.

  • 2018: Participation in a planning workshop for the three project phases: Presentation of German experience, support in project design and expert talks regarding the design of guidelines for municipal climate action plans
  • 2017: Analysis and evaluation of the energy plans against the backdrop of municipal expectations, demands and the implementing stakeholders
  • 2015: Development of a city competition for climate action plans, focusing on renewable energy (entry criteria and requirements), development of struc-tures and stakeholder environments for one of these special municipal tasks, stakeholder organisational chart and inclusion of German expertise in the development of plans, basic project organisation and ideas to promote ongoing implementation after the pilot phase


Network for Energy Efficient Cities in South-East Europe (NEEC)
Open Regional Fund (ORF), Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) – Dubravka Bosnjak

The Balkan capitals – Podgorica/Montenegro, Sarajevo/Bosnia-Herzegovina, Skopje/Macedonia, Zagreb/Croatia and Tirana/Albania – have joined the Covenant of Mayors. In line with their obligations to develop and implement their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs), giz supports the city administrations in both technical and organisational terms.

  • Advising the municipalities in the building of structures and processes for municipal climate action, providing support in developing their Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) as members of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) and in project implementation
  • Establishing municipal management structures, presentations on specialist topics, organisation of expert tours and excursions, individual consultation services and design of workshops in the partner cities
  • Moderation of strategy workshops with the client on further developing the network
